Mugen Monday - 23rd Edition

For Those Who Dare Dream.

For the average Anime-goer, things seem to revolve quite a lot around the particular niche that they tend to like. And it wouldn’t be completely wrong to claim that different groups of society react differently to varying genres. Groups can entail race, ethnicity, nationalist identity, but also gender.

  • Today, we will dive into a particular research study from scholars in the US who tried to measure the level of sexism inherent to Anime.

  • Is Anime sexist? Does Japan portray hypermasculine men and overly curvaceous females who stick to gender norms?

  • How capitalism has a play in the unfolding of sexism in society

  • And why it isn’t entirely the fault of Anime producers for portraying hypermasculine male and curvaceous female

The last two points are rather my insights. While I will begin by laying the foundation of the study, a basic grasp of what it is - so basic that even a novice would understand, I would then refute why the study’s claim that ‘Sexism is promoted by Anime and it is evil’ may not be such a black-white answer as they strive to make it be.

Well, it will be a fun ride, why don’t you stick til the end?

- From the Editor’s Desk

Rhytham Das, Editor-in-Chief, Spiel Anime

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