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- Mugen Monday - Eight Edition
Mugen Monday - Eight Edition
For Those Who Dare Dream.

The last week seems to have hosted an array of good news for gaming fans who also happen to dive into Anime.
This sentence relates particularly well to both ventures of Spiel Anime and Spiel Times. While the former is a newer sister-branch of the latter focusing only on anime, the latter has always been primarily about gaming. Other times, it has been about celebrity deaths and how to win the lottery, wordle hints and stuff as well.
CONTEXT: Spiel Times is the primary platform that has been here since, well, ages. Spiel Anime was born out of the desire to have a complete anime-only platform. Spiel Anime is currently only five months old.
The reason I mention this is simple. The latest week brought us the hefty news of Devil May Cry Anime being turned into a reality.
With NieR Automata Anime, segments of Final Fantasy being animated, and heck even Genshin Impact getting its own show, Devil May Cry seems like the right call for many OG fans.
While we are talking about DMC, you may be wondering if the Anime will be entirely in CGI. My fellow colleague had an interesting take on that, so do read that up here.
Berserk, Vagabond and the Inadaptability of Manga

A panel of Vagabond, image courtesy of Viz Media
Talking about CGI and Anime adaptations inevitably leads me to think about Berserk Anime and how it went down further into the abyss. For the uninitiated, Berserk Anime is the universally accepted fall of the franchise.
While the Manga is revered as an unprecedented masterpiece, disturbingly the Anime quite did not live up to the calling.
This topic also calls me to wonder about a particular manga that has not been adapted into an Anime yet. This is particularly stellar considering Studios and Publishers are usually always on the hunt for what will be the next big Jujutsu Kaisen or Demon Slayer.
Why the masses actually deserve good mature Anime and not some shonen garbage being dumped for fan service

John Snow, image rights belong to HBO
I had Neha, another of my amazing colleagues, research a little and pin down why Vagabond shall never be Animated. And quite indeed she also stumbled upon the same conclusion - the content of Vagabond is not for the faint-hearted.
While typical shonens (even Chainsaw Man and Jujutsu Kaisen) appease the general newbie weeb, shows like Berserk, Monster, and a potential Vagabond Anime are of another level altogether.
Mature themes and deeper tones of unconventional narratives are not everyone’s cup of tea. But every once in a while such unconventional relatively ‘darker’ shows do end up being the money duck. Take Game of Thrones for example, it did not adhere to any cliche or a typically dumb audience.
Perhaps GoT is one of the indicators that the producers and big capitalist powerhouses need to consider putting out content that seems ‘non-money-grabbing-reaching-to-the-masses’. For all we know, Vagabond could be the next big thing so long as it does not mess up the source material.
Well that’s that from my side, I do hope you enjoy what we have for you this time. Signing off,
- From the Editor’s Desk
Rhytham Das, Editor-in-Chief, Spiel Anime