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  • Mugen Monday - Spiel Anime's First Newsletter

Mugen Monday - Spiel Anime's First Newsletter

For Those Who Dare Dream.

It is a special day for Spiel Anime, for this is our first-ever newsletter which happens to serve as a gate-away from the usual Anime article writing that our writers embark upon on the website.

The birth of Spiel Anime came from Spiel Times, which used to be a revered site for all things gaming. But as multidimensional topics started to be incorporated within the scope of Times, there was eventually an influx of Anime-only topics. So much so that our CEO Pingal felt the urgent need for a separate website altogether - one for those who dared dream.

The tagline above is quite enthralling, for it does not indicate much about Anime. Normally, you would think a tagline for Spiel Anime should be something like Shinzou Sasageyo (or something). But I feel the tagline (which I came up with, credits where credits are due?) is reflective of the nature of Anime fandom. More about this towards the concluding remarks, for which you must scroll through (and hopefully read) the entire thing.

With Mugen Monday, we wish to take you to a magical world full of infinities, - for Mugen translates to Infinity, one that is made up of Anime, Manga, and everything that makes you dare dream.

For this edition (which happens to be the first) of Mugen Monday, we have limited (or in some sense made ourselves abundant) to only One Piece content. This is in respect to the franchise’s internet breaking Anime debut of Gear 5.

- From the Editor’s Desk

Rhytham Das, Editor-in-Chief, Spiel Anime

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